

2025 Vending Registration

Assalaamu Alaikum Sisters,

Alhamdulillah, vending for the 2025 Women’s Committee of Masjid As-Saffat’s (WCMAS)

Annual Conference will open at 12:00 Noon on Saturday, February 1, 2025. The venue for our marketplace is the BWI Airport Marriott, 1743 West Nursery Road, Linthicum, MD 21090.

Maa shaa’Allah, we have made several changes to our vending. We believe these changes will
enhance the value of the vending experience for our attendees and for you, our vendors. This
year we will offer two options for vending spaces: Standard and Premium. The Standard option
is $200 for the weekend with a vending space that is 4ft. x 8ft. The Premium option is $300 for
the weekend with a vending space that is 4ft. x 15ft. There are 42 total vending spaces. Six (6)
are Premium. We encourage you to vend with us for a very exciting, pleasurable, and rewarding
weekend, In shaa’Allah

If you intend to vend with us, we offer the following suggestions to make your vending registration a smooth process:

1. Make sure that you have registered for the WCMAS 2025 conference by 8:00 pm

Friday, January 31, 2025. ONLY registered sisters may purchase vending spaces! This deadline is only for sisters who want to VEND. Remember, conference registration and vendor registration,

are two separate fees.

2. Conference and Vending registration are completed online only! We encourage you to view the map of the vending area. Remember a vendor can only purchase one (1) vending space. We suggest that you have at least 3 vending space choices in case your first choice is taken.

3. Vending registration is a very fast process. We suggest that you have a fast device (computer,

phone, tablet etc.) to help speed up your registration.

We look forward to seeing each of you. Again, please refer to our website for additional.

information or text “vending help” to 410-916-3337. May Allaah swta make us all successful in this endeavor. Ameen


WCMAS reserves the right to prohibit the sale of any items that are not suitable for Muslims to

buy. This decision will be solely left to the discretion of WCMAS.

No vendor can sell any food or drinks that could possibly be consumed on the premises. This includes all baked goods, candy, juices, sodas, etc.

Vending contracts will be sent to those who have paid for their vending space, In shaa’Allah